We met a wonderful lady in Orlando, named Jean, when we visited for the”I Can Do It” conference in September. We met her when she chauffeured us to the Kennedy Space Center. We immediately recognised her as someone very spiritual and special. We began to talk to her about why we were in Orlando and we told her about “Journey of a Shaman”.…
On October 1 we went on a trip aboard the tall ship Kajama on Lake Ontario, Toronto. We have a love of the sea and the tall ships of yesteryear. The ship originates from Germany and her original name was Wilhelm. She served many years in European waters before being sold to a new owner who renamed the ship Kajama after his daughter, son and wife in the form of an anagram of letters from their names.…
On Sunday September 27 we did a book signing of “Journey of a Shaman” at Toronto’s annual book fair known as “Word on the Street”. The event attracts over 200,000 people each year and we were honored to meet many delightful people who were seeking the messages included in the book.
The next day we visited Niagara Falls and the picture on the left was taken from Hornblower, the boat that enables visitors’ to view the Falls from the water below.…
Today, September 23, we re-visited the Kennedy Space Center near Orlando. We were so impressed with what we saw on Monday that we felt compelled to return to see more.
The picture on the left shows what the International Space Laboratory looks like with the flags of all the nations currently participating with scientists’ working together researching all that is needed to be known in order to send mankind to Mars and beyond.…
On Monday September 21 Spirit guided us to visit the Kennedy Space Center and NASA. The visit surpassed all expectations in that we were inspired and motivated while finding much that was deeply emotional. So much that we saw was a massive example of so many of the messages in “Journey of a Shaman”. We were reminded how dreams and determination can achieve the impossible.…
On Saturday 19th September we attended the “I Can Do It” Conference in Orlando, Florida and during our one-hour slot for book signing we met seventy seven people who each received a personalized signed copy of “Journey of a Shaman.” The following day we visited, by invitation, the Avalon Spiritual Bookstore in Orlando run by Miranda. We had the honor of meeting many spiritual people with whom we had extended conversations, and in some cases, provided Spiritual healing.…
Wherever we are we enjoy walking, exploring and meeting people who cross our path. We
love the city of Seattle where we rent an apartment as our “home away from home” during our six month book tour in the United States and Canada. We shall now be away from Seattle for thirty five days visiting Orlando, Toronto, Maine and New York before returning to Seattle towards the end of October.…
We were guided by Spirit to spend four days visiting Yellowstone National Park and we arrived on September 6. It was a diverse and unique experience. We were shown geological wonders, saw at close quarters black bears, bison, elk stag with his harem of females, mountain goats, white wolves, coyotes, and more in their natural habitat. In the course of that amazing journey we encountered three spiritual people that Spirit had put in our way from whom we learned much and we, in turn, helped them on their journeys.…
The picture is of a Native American of the Haida Nation known as Haida Eagle to his friends. We shared with him a day of incredible spiritual connection and mutual learning. We witnessed a pageant of traditional storytelling, dance, drumming, costumes, and Shamanic ritual involving Spirit, mind, body and much more.
We had booked a boat trip that would take us to Blake Island that lay eight miles off Seattle waterfront, in order to visit Tillicum Village that has a long history of connection with Native Americans.…
During our visit to Bainbridge Island, near Seattle we met Brandon, a remarkable 31 year old young man who shared with us his incredible story. He fought to gain custody of his three young daughters, Aaliyah, Mariah, and Hayley after breaking up with their mother who had become a drug addict and alcoholic. He had not had the financial resources to employ a lawyer but nonetheless it had cost him over $25 000 over three years to gain custody.…