Our previous blog that shared highlights of our visit to Yellowstone National Park in September 2015 could only scratch the surface of the diversity and richness of it’s wonders. The geological sites made a lasting impression on us, being the product of the eruption of a super-volcano 640,000 years ago. The first picture shows a hot spring arising from the relatively close proximity of the molten rock (magma), to the surface.…
The picture shows Jyotima Prasad, a courageous and spiritual woman, who was in the ‘line-up’ for a signed copy of ‘Journey of a Shaman’ at the recent Hay House ‘I Can Do It Conference’ in New York. As I signed her copy of the book she asked for healing and a blessing. After the book signing session, we had a chat and I was honored to provide the healing and the blessing that she requested.…
We were surprised when we first saw the legendary Golden Gate Bridge to see that it was red!!! This took nothing away from the splendor of its design and its beauty set between the magnificent landscape and water scenery of San Francisco. We took the opportunity to view the bridge from different sides and different times of the day.
This second photograph of the bridge was taken as sunset approached as we stood and watched the changing colors amid the beauty of the scene that epitomised San Francisco.…
We recently enjoyed four inspiring days in San Francisco including a day trip to Santa Barbara. The panoramic view of the city and bay from the vantage point of Twin Peaks is breathtaking. As one stands facing the sea: to the left is the Golden Gate Bridge, the entire city, the massive bay and the legendary island that houses Alcatraz, and then on to the modern Bay Bridge which is approximately nine miles long.…
In early November we visited the magical Olympic Peninsular which is a wildly beautiful mountainous region several hours drive from Seattle, Washington. We stopped at the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Center and had a long conversation with Wendy Humphries who is the Art Buyer at the Native Art Gallery. She is a S’Klallam Native American, pictured on the left. She shared much of the customs, culture and belief systems of her tribe of which she is an Elder.…
John Norseman was invited by Female First magazine to write an article which they entitled “Top 10 Takeaways from the Life of a Shaman”. As we are asked this question so many times, here is the answer. The article is reproduced below. John and Leigh are pictured on the left while visiting British Columbia in Canada.
We recently visited New York. Visiting the Statue of Liberty was the highlight of our trip. As British people spending six months in both the USA and Canada, the Statue of Liberty truly epitomized for us the amazing spirit of the USA. The picture was taken from the ferry that took us to see the statue at close quarters. We sensed how it must have felt to the millions of immigrants over the years for whom the first sight of their new home would have been the statue as they entered the waters of New York aboard the ships on which they had traveled. …
The balance between working to live and living to work is a fundamental choice to be made. If you’re thinking about making a career change in order to build a happier life, the first action step is to find out and define what you find specifically fulfilling.
This might be a hobby, travelling, or finding creativity in an artistic world. It might involve a change of location, such as moving to a rural area, remoteness, mountains, sea, rivers, or living in other countries.…
The picture on the left shows the scenery as we left Hyannis port on the ferry to Nantucket.
From the first minute we arrived at Cape Cod to stay at the Wequassett Resort we were inspired by the number of spiritual people we met. We first met Kyle who drove us on a golf cart to our chalet. Kyle asked us about “Journey of a Shaman” and when we told him, he excitedly told us he would buy the book not only because he enjoys spiritual books, but also because of the motivational messages within it.…
The Toronto skyline is dominated by the CN Tower which has a revolving restaurant and observation platform near its peak. We celebrated Leigh’s birthday by having dinner in the revolving restaurant which provided magnificent views of the city and the waterfront. The picture on the left shows the beautiful sunset at nightfall which coincided with the arrival of our coffee.
We arrived in broad daylight and the pictures that follow show the
changing panorama as the restaurant slowly revolved.…